Mr. Damon,
I realize that the election is over and your guy won, but here's some advice to help you in the future.
I just watched a video in which you said the following regarding Governor Sarah Palin: "I need to know if she really thinks dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago, that's an important ... I want to know that. I really do. Because she's going to have the nuclear codes. I want to know if she thinks dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago. Or if she banned books or tried to ban books. We can't have that." Those were your words verbatim and not out of context.
As I listened to you, I wondered: Is this the same guy who impressed us all when he played the part of a brilliant math whiz in "Good Will Hunting"? Of course, I immediately heard the words, " ... played the part" and understood. You're good with scripted words and thoughts but it seems to end there. The problem is, that little video along with a couple of other things like your appearance with the charlatan, Al Gore, in which you all but kissed his ring, have so diminished my opinion of you that I may never be able to fully enjoy another movie of yours. To be fair, it's not your fault that you are, apparently, not too bright but it's a real problem for me to excuse the astonishing level of ignorance you so often display.
When you say, "I need to know ..." and "I want to know ..." and "I want to know ..." once more, I wonder loudly why you do not know. Do you know how to use a computer? Have you heard of the Internet? Never in the history of mankind has information on everything and everyone been so readily available. So I wonder: Why would a high-profile guy like you talk publicly on a subject that you obviously know nothing about? If you really need and want to know these things about Sarah Palin, why didn't you take about fifteen minutes to do a little research? Of course, when I think about the company you keep, that's probably not a good idea. You would most likely go to a bunch of loony-left websites where they, literally, manufacture bogus myths about everyone they don't like and spread them around the world like the nasty viruses they are. It's called "character assassination" and it is a common tool of small-brained wantabes who lack the intellectual capacity and moral fortitude to engage in honest, informed, civil debate. If left unchecked it may very well destroy America.
But let's get back to the case in point: You wanted to know if Sarah Palin "... really thinks dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago." You said, "... that's important." Would it also be important to you if she said that President Franklin Roosevelt went on television in 1929 to reassure the public about the depression? Or here's another one: Would it be important to you if she thinks we have 58 states in the union? I mean, one could sensibly argue that both of those things are more important than the dinosaur thing. Right? But of course she didn't say either of those things: The gaffe machine and plagiarist, Joe Biden, delivered the first one during a television interview and Barack Obama was the unfortunate author of the second one. Now, just in case you don't know and want to know; FDR was not president in 1929 nor was there was any TV then. Also, there are 50 states in the union, not 58. So now that I've told you who made those two really big intellectual blunders, is it important to you? (Why do I think it may not be?)
Look, if you really care about this great country of ours as much as you say you do, then you should commit yourself to an objective, honest pursuit of the truth without the influence of political bias or the cult of celebrity. With that in mind, I'll give you a couple of things to think about: 1) Sarah Palin never banned a single book, nor did she try to ban any books. That is a loony-left myth. In other words, it is a lie. 2) It is not mere coincidence that she is the most popular governor in the United States. Her approval rating has at times exceeded 90% and she has always earned every single percentage point. Finally, everyone who knows her or has worked with her says she is a very smart, tough, effective governor who gets things done. But don't take my word for it, find out for yourself - that is, unless you are afraid of the truth, or worse, afraid of what your loony-left friends might think of you if you say anything even slightly admirable about the most popular governor in the country.
You say you care, then prove it. Do your homework so that the next time you bless us with another opinion, it will be an informed opinion. Now there's a novel idea!
Most sincerely,
A former fan.
Postscript added on April 27, 2009
Sarah Palin never said that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago. The whole thing was a complete fabrication by a left-wing blogger named Bob. Take a look at CNN's video and watch "Bad Bob" confess.
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