Most of them are theirs
The Democrats constantly bash President Bush over the Iraq War. Some say it’s the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Others say the president lied to us about WMD while they ignore indisputable facts to the contrary. Then there are the “He has no plan”- group of bashers who know very well that Mr. Bush and others in his administration have been communicating and articulating their Iraq planning for years.
Of course the Democrats in Congress want you to forget that most of them gave the president the authority to invade Iraq—essentially, at his discretion, and yes, they did have the same intelligence available to them as the president had. So what is the payoff for the Democrats? Why do they behave this way? Perhaps because they are corrupt, political opportunists doing what corrupt, political opportunists do: Lie, mislead, cheat, obstruct, destruct, and everything else they can think of to totally discredit their political opponents in order to gain power. It’s what Democrats do best—that is, except taking us to war.
If you know American history, you know that when it comes to war, Democrats are experts. After all they led us into every major war in our history, starting with the First World War. Apparently, they think that makes them the experts. So who does this Republican President think he is, anyway? War is Democrat turf and don’t you Republicans ever forget it! So what if we let Republican Presidents bail us out of a couple of wars we screwed up, like Korea and Vietnam? Just don’t let it go to your heads! Furthermore, as our own John Kerry once said, “America doesn’t go to war because we want to, we go to war because we have to.”
Yes indeed, Democrats are experts at knowing when, where, and why America has go to war. For example, any fool knows that the Koreans and Vietnamese were going to invade us at any moment. We were in imminent danger! We had to invade them! Geez, don’t you Republicans know anything?
Daily, Democrats demand to know how long our troops will be in Iraq. They insist that the president tell us exactly when he will order them to come home. Yet what these same Democrats never tell you is that we still have tens of thousands of troops deployed around the world, most put there by Democrat presidents over fifty years ago, and some by President Clinton more recently! Oh, yes, I forgot it’s okay if Democrats do it because war is their thing; they are experts.
Then there are the Democrats (most of them) who constantly badger the president to admit any mistakes he may have made in Iraq. Additionally, they have demanded the resignation or firing of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld more times than I can remember for more reasons than I can remember—not to mention a few demands for the impeachment of Mr. Bush. These are among a long list of disingenuous and ad hominem arguments and attacks on the present administration. Here, as with most things, they completely and intentionally avoid comparison—which is necessary for all serious political argument.
To be sure, Democrat presidents, others in their administrations, and military leaders made huge mistakes in all of America’s four major wars yet there were no similar outrageously opportunistic—sometimes borderline treasonous—charges and demands made by Republicans against the Democrats during those wars.
If the same demands for firing, resignation, and impeachment had been made against Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and members of their administrations, according to and applying the same Democrat criteria and arguments now made against George W. Bush and his administration, they would have all been thrown out of office.
When you listen to the Democrat war “experts” and their media propagandist affiliates constantly tell us that everything the President is doing is wrong and who, daily, use the casualty count in Iraq to shame and disgrace President Bush—consider this:
The Democrats constantly bash President Bush over the Iraq War. Some say it’s the wrong war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Others say the president lied to us about WMD while they ignore indisputable facts to the contrary. Then there are the “He has no plan”- group of bashers who know very well that Mr. Bush and others in his administration have been communicating and articulating their Iraq planning for years.
Of course the Democrats in Congress want you to forget that most of them gave the president the authority to invade Iraq—essentially, at his discretion, and yes, they did have the same intelligence available to them as the president had. So what is the payoff for the Democrats? Why do they behave this way? Perhaps because they are corrupt, political opportunists doing what corrupt, political opportunists do: Lie, mislead, cheat, obstruct, destruct, and everything else they can think of to totally discredit their political opponents in order to gain power. It’s what Democrats do best—that is, except taking us to war.
If you know American history, you know that when it comes to war, Democrats are experts. After all they led us into every major war in our history, starting with the First World War. Apparently, they think that makes them the experts. So who does this Republican President think he is, anyway? War is Democrat turf and don’t you Republicans ever forget it! So what if we let Republican Presidents bail us out of a couple of wars we screwed up, like Korea and Vietnam? Just don’t let it go to your heads! Furthermore, as our own John Kerry once said, “America doesn’t go to war because we want to, we go to war because we have to.”
Yes indeed, Democrats are experts at knowing when, where, and why America has go to war. For example, any fool knows that the Koreans and Vietnamese were going to invade us at any moment. We were in imminent danger! We had to invade them! Geez, don’t you Republicans know anything?
Daily, Democrats demand to know how long our troops will be in Iraq. They insist that the president tell us exactly when he will order them to come home. Yet what these same Democrats never tell you is that we still have tens of thousands of troops deployed around the world, most put there by Democrat presidents over fifty years ago, and some by President Clinton more recently! Oh, yes, I forgot it’s okay if Democrats do it because war is their thing; they are experts.
Then there are the Democrats (most of them) who constantly badger the president to admit any mistakes he may have made in Iraq. Additionally, they have demanded the resignation or firing of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld more times than I can remember for more reasons than I can remember—not to mention a few demands for the impeachment of Mr. Bush. These are among a long list of disingenuous and ad hominem arguments and attacks on the present administration. Here, as with most things, they completely and intentionally avoid comparison—which is necessary for all serious political argument.
To be sure, Democrat presidents, others in their administrations, and military leaders made huge mistakes in all of America’s four major wars yet there were no similar outrageously opportunistic—sometimes borderline treasonous—charges and demands made by Republicans against the Democrats during those wars.
If the same demands for firing, resignation, and impeachment had been made against Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and members of their administrations, according to and applying the same Democrat criteria and arguments now made against George W. Bush and his administration, they would have all been thrown out of office.
When you listen to the Democrat war “experts” and their media propagandist affiliates constantly tell us that everything the President is doing is wrong and who, daily, use the casualty count in Iraq to shame and disgrace President Bush—consider this:
- Democrat presidents have led us into wars in which we suffered approximately 1,747,278 American casualties. That is one million, seven hundred forty seven thousand, and two hundred and seventy eight casualties!
- Republican presidents have led us into wars in which we suffered approximately 18,977 American casualties (including Iraq War casualties to date).
- Democrat presidents have led us into wars in which we were engaged for 15.8 years!
- Republican presidents have led us into wars in which we were engaged for 2.7 years.
Note: Total casualties include military deaths plus wounded.
The matter of responsibility, which Democrats should clearly bear for their war record, is rarely if ever portrayed accurately in history books or in the Democrat-dominated media. In truth, their record is very disturbing. Even now, while we are in the midst of a war unlike any before, instead of offering sincere constructive criticism and acknowledging significant accomplishments, they exploit any and every misstep or setback in order to discredit President Bush and to defeat virtually everything he aspires to accomplish. They constantly tell us that he has bungled the war in every aspect and that in so doing he has cost American lives. Yet we must not forget that Democrats have led us into every major war we've had and they managed to make some monumental mistakes in the conduct of those wars—mistakes that cost more American lives than any of us want to think about. Now they would have us believe that they know best? I think not.
In the final analysis, it is all about power. Far too many Democrats are livid at their loss of power and are saying and doing anything and everything they can to get it back—even posing as war experts! Not.
Copyright © 2005 Robert D. McKinley
All rights reserved.
In the final analysis, it is all about power. Far too many Democrats are livid at their loss of power and are saying and doing anything and everything they can to get it back—even posing as war experts! Not.
Copyright © 2005 Robert D. McKinley
All rights reserved.
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